God is a God of Miracles

Hey friends!

It seems crazy that another week has passed! I am learning so much every day and I feel God’s love for me more and more as I learn of Him which has been an amazing blessing.

This week we got to greet new missionaries again and I got to see one of my dear friends, Sister Mason! It was so good to see a friendly face and be a part of welcoming the new missionaries! It truly is a special experience.


Other than that, the language is coming along slowly, but surely. I am continually learning what it means to have faith in God. Along with that, I am learning a lot of patience in God’s timing with the gift of tongues. :)  

Something really special that is happening this week is that all of the new mission presidents are coming to the MTC to be trained! But even cooler—the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will be at the MTC too! I am so excited to be here on campus while they are all here. We will get the opportunity at a special devotional with some of the Quorum of the Twelve. We don’t know who yet, but it should be an amazing week and I am looking forward to it!

Something I have learned this week (with my very limited experience of being a missionary) is that some weeks in the mission field are amazing and you love life, and it is so easy to see why you wanted to be a missionary. Other weeks are not as easy, and you have to push forward with faith. This week was one of those harder weeks. I do not want to go into too much detail about why this week was hard, but I do want to focus on what these experiences have taught me. I have experienced so many miracles that have reminded me that my Savior loves me so much and that He carries me through my trials.


I want to share with you all some of the miracles that I experienced (not all of them, because there were a lot, but here are a few):


  1. God touched my life through other people. Through inspiration, my companions shared some things that I needed to hear that only God knew that I needed. In addition, I also received a letter from a very close friend. Her letter was also what I needed to hear. Both experiences helped me see that God is aware of me.
  2. I felt the blessings of the power of prayer, and I learned how to better communicate with my Heavenly Father.
  3. I was inspired to read my patriarchal blessing. In it, it talked about the power of ministering angels. As I read this, I was inspired to begin praying for those angels in my life. Right now. I learned that the ministering of angels is a real thing and that I never have to be alone.
  4. With that thought, I learned the importance of my patriarchal blessing, and how it can be a light in the storm.
  5. I felt God’s love for me in a way that I never had before, and it helped strengthen my testimony.
  6. I had so many opportunities to serve people. Service always blesses our lives, and this week it helped me see the good in everyone around me.
  7. I had the opportunity to receive a priesthood blessing, and it reminded me how amazing it is that God can speak directly to us and that we have His power on the earth today.

These were just a few of the miracles that I experienced. It was truly a hard week. I am sure there will be even harder weeks when I get out into the field, but I know that God is good. I know He is our light in the darkness. As we turn to Him, He will bless us. He will send angels in the flesh and from the other side to bear us up. He will remind us of the tools He has already sent us for our aid. If we reach out to Him, He will reach out to us.


A scripture that I read this week that stood out to me and helped remind me of these truths was in Alma 37. Here, Alma is speaking to his son. In Alma 37:36-37, it reads, "Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever. 

Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day."

This scripture is gold. When we are struggling, God is there. He is always there to love and support all of us. I have felt that love so many times in my life, but this week especially. When we pray to God, He answers. I know that He loves us. I know that He sees us, and our struggles. He will leave us comfortless or alone. God is so good, and I love Him with all my heart. I don't know where I would be without Him in my life. I have a testimony of this Gospel. I have a testimony that we are God’s children and that He loves us. I have a testimony of missionary work and of God’s plan. I challenge all of you to look for God’s hand in your life this week. He is there and He loves you!

I love you all so much! I feel like I tell you this every week, but I love the support that I feel from your prayers and your emails. I miss you, but I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve the Lord. I hope you all have a wonderful week! 


I love you all!

The Church is True! God loves you!

Love, Sister Miller


Pictures: Elder Bragg gave our Tuesday devotional, and we ran into him after and got a picture! (If you haven't heard his talk from the last General Conference, you should go read it! It is amazing!) There are also some pictures of my district walking in the rain and hanging out after workout time. We also have a teacher that is leaving so we took a picture with him as a district. We will miss him so much! I also got to take a picture with Sister Partridge!


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