The Book of Mormon is TRUE!!!

Hello friends! I cannot believe another week has come and gone! This week was so busy, but we had a good time!

One of the things that was pretty fun this week was my companion, and I had an opportunity to serve the leaders in our ward. Last P-Day, my companion and I made banana bread and then delivered it to them. They truly help us with our missionary work, and we wanted to be sure to show them appreciation for all they do!


Overall, this week, we just jumped in and got to work! We taught a lot of lessons, but by the end of the week, we were definitely tired. But that is exactly what makes missionary work so enjoyable—getting to work and loving the people. When we can be Christ’s hands, it makes all the difference.


I am sure I said this last week, but the people we are teaching are so cool! We are mostly teaching families right now and I absolutely love it! We are teaching a dad and his two daughters, and they are the absolute sweetest family.


Being able to teach them has been a miracle, and I see God’s hand directing His work. At the beginning of the week, we tried teaching them, but the dad was gone for work, and he was not going to return until Saturday. In order to teach, we needed him there… On Friday, we ran into his daughters, and they told us that he came back early! We quickly changed our plans and ran to his house to teach them! The experience was sweet, and the spirit was so strong. This sweet family felt the truth of our words. And the dad told us how happy he was that we were teaching them. We were able to go back the next day to teach them again! I am so grateful for this experience, and my heart yearns for them to continue on this path. Will you all please pray for the Astudillo family? I love them so much!


A side note to this family’s story and another miracle for the week was that we were able to have a Family Home Evening with them and another Astudillo family. Yep, we are teaching two Astudillo families! They are related to our stake president and through that relationship, they are interested in the gospel. For FHE, we played games, had an object lesson, and simply grew together. Hopefully, they feel loved and welcomed.


One of the craziest experiences I have had thus far on my mission was when we went to Barangay. Barangay is a bit far, but as we traveled there, we met the Barangay Kapitan (the person who is in charge of the area) and he asked us if we were allowed to teach a bunch of people at once! Of course, we affirmed that we were, and—as if it wasn’t a big deal at all—he said he would invite people for the following Saturday. He told us to plan on upwards of 50+ people in attendance. So…. next Saturday we might be holding a sermon in Paragu to all the people there! So that should be exciting!


Other than that, this week was not too crazy…it felt a little like we were running from one place to the next. There were a lot of times when people were gone and a lot of our appointments fell through, but God is a God of miracles. We still were able to find people to teach and help people come closer to Christ!


For my spiritual thought, I want to bear my testimony on my favorite book. This week, I finished the Book of Mormon. As I finished it, I knelt and asked God if it was true. 


I want to bear my testimony to you that the Book of Mormon is true. I love this book with my whole heart. I love the stories, the doctrine, and the testimonies. As I have been studying the Book of Mormon, I have felt myself grow closer to my Savior. And I feel the truth of this book fill every fiber of my being. I know that when we read the Book of Mormon and pray about it, there is no way to deny that this is the true church. I honestly believe that I would die for this book. I believe that it is the truest book on the earth today. That is why I am here. I can’t not share what I know to be true. I feel so blessed to have been given so much. 


I am so grateful for the opportunity to read the Book of Mormon. I want to invite you all to go read 3 Nephi 11, look for how it can apply to your life, and pray about its message. I love that chapter! Christ’s message is to us all. He is the Prince of Peace and He offers us so much. If you don’t have a Book of Mormon yet, email me and I would be happy to help you get one :)


I love you all so much! I love being a missionary and working hard! I miss you all, but I am grateful to be here!


Love you!!

The Church is true, God loves you!

Be happy, Be brave, Be smart


Sister Miller

P.S. I will hit 6 months on Wednesday. 


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