Hello, my lovely friends!

WOW! What a week! I am officially at the Provo MTC, and it is a blast! The spirit is so real here! I love learning about Christ with other missionaries that have the same desire to serve the Lord.

The worst part of being at the Provo MTC is being away from my family. I am not going to lie, coming here on Wednesday was one of the hardest and scariest things I have ever done. I was terrified of leaving my family and I am still terrified of leaving into the field, BUT it is also wonderful. I love being here and I would not have it any other way!

Other than the Spirit being so strong, one of the best parts of the MTC is the UNLIMITED chocolate milk. It is truly a blessing! If you know me, you know I love chocolate milk! But, no—in all seriousness, I have awesome companions and a super cool district that helps me continually feel the Spirit. Learning about Christ and gaining a stronger testimony has been my favorite part so far and I can’t wait to continue the experience.

Last week after I got here, we continued classes as normal, but they were much more spiritual in person. We also had the opportunity to teach the first lesson which was one of my favorite parts of the week. I felt the spirit so strong. It reaffirmed to me how true the gospel is and how much I love it! I cannot wait to have more experiences like this!

 As the week progressed, we found out that they were moving up our “fully immersive” Tagalog class day. A fully immersive program means that our teachers teach class in 90% Tagalog and 10% English. I was so nervous! 

 Our first day was yesterday, and it went so good! It was kind of like playing a giant game of charades for three hours. Our teachers would say something, we should be confused, and they would act out what they had said, and we would guess until we got it! As hectic as it sounds, I felt like I learned a lot and it was a lot of fun. I would even say it might have been my favorite day so far! But…also my most exhausting.

 Being at the MTC is just so amazing. I am going to treasure my time here, but it has also made me so excited to get into the field and teach people the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have gained such a strong testimony from just a week of being here and I have loved it.

Because I have had such a spiritually uplifting week and because you all are so lucky, I am going to share two spiritual thoughts with you all! (Don’t worry, they are not long.)

One of the things that we have really emphasized is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In 3rd Nephi 11, it teaches about what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is. The Gospel is having faith, repenting through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, being baptized by immersion, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. It also teaches that we are blessed when we do these things. The chapter ends by saying:“Therefore, go forth unto this people, and the words which I have spoken, unto the ends of the earth.”

 I just love this verse! This is why I am here! I am here to share this important message of Jesus Christ. People need to know. I read in a talk this week that serving a mission is not a sacrifice, it’s a privilege. It is so true. Being here is a privilege. I am so blessed and so excited to serve!

One more thought. This week has been a little discouraging. I have felt like I do not understand the language very well. I know… I know… I have only been here one week, but it is frustrating to sit through a tutoring session and have no idea what the teacher is talking about. Anyways, with these thoughts in mind, we had an opportunity to study Christ’s Atonement and what His sacrifice can mean for us. I read a scripture that says it is by grace that we are saved after all we can do. I loved this thought. I felt the strongest feeling of peace. I felt like Christ was telling me that if I put in my best effort, He will make up the difference. 

I have felt Christ’s help this week. I have felt his love and I have been feeling more patient with myself as I learn the language. I am so grateful for it.

I hope you all have a great week! Thank you for the emails! I can feel your love and support and I appreciate it!

I love you all! 

The church is true! God loves you!

Love, Sister Miller


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