Another Way

 Hello Friends!

What a week! I officially have a companion now to work in my area!! 


At the beginning of the week, I worked with the Tumauini 2nd sisters. It really was a good time. I have learned so much from them and I love them so much.


On Tuesday night, we were supposed to get news of the transfers! Sister Esponilla got a call that she would be an STL. Sister Lafaele got a call that she would be a trainer!! We didn’t know where they would be assigned yet, but we were pretty sure that Sister Lafaele would stay here, and train and Sister Esponilla would leave. We were all anxiously awaiting the news when 10:30 came around and we all had to go to sleep.


The next morning, during my workout the list came out! Both Sister Esponilla and Sister Lafaele were transferred, leaving me in Tumauini by myself! I was so sad to see them go! They have truly been wonderful companions and I will miss them.


When the day of actual transfers came, we all traveled to Ilagan and then they left, and I waited for my new companion and roommates. It was stressful! But when I met my companion, I knew I had been blessed!


Seriously, I think I got the best companion in the whole mission! My companion`s name is Sister Nacar. She is the sweetest person you will ever meet! The first day she got here, I explained the struggles of the area and my plans to fix it and she was so down to take on the challenge. In the short time we have been together, we have worked soooo hard! It has been a wonderful experience and I am so excited for this cycle with her!


Working with Sister Nacar is amazing. On Saturday, we had a whole day to work so we took advantage of it! We needed to find 5 people this week, but we hadn’t found any yet. So, we made a goal to find 5 people on Saturday. We had a lot of success! However, as the end of our finding time was coming, we still needed to find 1 more person. We saw a group of people standing on the street and went up to them. We were able to teach them about how God loves them. We ended up finding 8 people on Saturday! It was so exciting, and I felt so much love for the work!!


There is a lot of work to do in our area to get it to where we need to be, but I am already seeing miracles. I know that God is with us as we make plans and work hard. I am so excited to just get to work and give it my all in this mission.


For my spiritual thought this week, I wanted to share a verse from Alma. Alma is a prophet in the Book of Mormon. He was teaching the people, but the people rejected him. As he left, an angel appeared to him and told him that he needed to try again to teach the people. This is his response:


“Now it came to pass that after Alma had received his message from the angel of the Lord, he returned speedily to the land of Ammonihah. And he entered the city by another way, yea, by the way, which is on the south of the city of Ammonihah.”


I love the part where he entered in by another way. Sometimes the way that we are doing things is not working, but if we pray to God, He will direct us. We will be directed to the “other way” by which we need to enter. I have seen that this week as we have been trying new things in missionary work, but I know that it will apply to other areas of our lives as well. As we truly seek guidance from the spirit, we can accomplish all that the Lord asks us to do.


This week was amazing, and I am so excited for the week to come! Thank you all for your emails and love! I miss you all so much!


The Church is True, God loves you!

Be happy, Be brave, Be smart,


Sister Miller


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