Finding, Finding, Finding

Hello Friends! Welcome back to another great week in the Philippines!

This week was very busy! Sister Nacar and I were running around all week trying to make each appointment! One day, we taught 15 lessons! It was insane! Every day, we are completely exhausted, but so happy too. It is amazing to be able to just get to work and help people find Jesus.

Our district made a goal for the district to cumulatively find 90 people. Sister Nacar and I were so ready for the challenge. We set our goal to find 20 new people. Usually, we try and find 11 new people each week, so it was a bit of a stretch goal for us. But I truly believe that as we work our hardest and rely on God, He helps us accomplish our goals. I am happy to report that not only were we able to find 20 people this week, but we surpassed 20 people! Plus, our District was able to reach our goal of 90 people!

This experience was a great faith-builder for me. Sometimes I get a little nervous finding new people. It is a little intimidating sometimes to knock on some random person’s door or walk up to a perfect stranger on the street. But this week, as I kept my goal in mind, it seemed a lot easier. I know that our goal seemed like a “number” goal, but it wasn't just about the number. As I focused on my purpose, my goal as a missionary to help people come closer to Christ, I saw a change. I was able to see people as God sees them, and my desire to share with everyone I saw became stronger. My Tagalog even seemed to flow better as I let go of my fear and just let the spirit lead me.

This week was one of my favorite weeks as a missionary. I love challenges and it was an absolute blast finding people to bring closer to Christ!

Another miracle from this week: we were able to extend baptism to the Salvador family! We actually tried to extend baptism to them last week, but they said they needed to think about it before they decided. This week, however, Sister Nacar and I walked in and both of us had the thought that we needed to follow up about baptism. The spirit was so strong as we explained that as we set a date, a goal becomes real. They accepted! We are so excited to help them come closer to Christ! Please, please pray for the Salvador family!

Another thing that has been a massive blessing is the Caliguiran family. They are GLOWING! They keep telling people about their baptismal date and it is so sweet! They take care of us, always giving us snacks, bringing us food (food is the love language of the Philippines), giving us free rides, you name it! They are the best. I love them so much. They are growing testimonies and always make time for the gospel in their lives. Their faith is simply inspiring. They are a miracle. Please continue to keep them in your prayers :)

Unfortunately, missions are not all sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns all of the time. There were a lot of heartbreaks this week that have been a little tricky. My sister and Dad told me the hardest part of a mission is when people know it is true, but don’t choose to accept it. I testify that this is indeed true. While there are a lot of hard things about being a missionary, this is the hardest part. I love our people so much. I want to see them find the joy that the gospel can give them, but sometimes, they choose not to fully accept. Please, please also pray for the Astudillo family. We have so much faith in them, but they are going through a hard spot.

I have so much faith in God’s plan and God’s timing though. I know that he has a plan for each of our friends and I am so grateful to be part of their journeys.

This year for Come Follow Me, we are studying the Book of Mormon (what a win!). This week, I also got to study the importance of scripture study. In Preach My Gospel, it says:

“Studying the word of God in the holy scriptures will bring abundance to your life. His words will fill you with light and truth. They will help you live righteously and receive divine protection and strength. They will help you come to know Him and taste His love, which is sweet above all that is sweet. His words will fill your soul with joy.”

I love this! These promises are so real! I feel that the Book of Mormon in particular gives us these blessings. I know that it truly does fill us with strength, peace, love, and joy.

Something we always did—in my family—was to read the scriptures before we went to school. I am so grateful for this habit that my parents set for us. My mom always said that we needed to read the Book of Mormon so that we could have protection and strength. I know that it is true. There is a difference to my day—and always has been—on the days I start with The Book of Mormon. Life is hard! There are so many challenges. But I promise that whatever you are struggling with, the Book of Mormon can help. It can heal, help, give peace, strengthen, and lift us. I love the Book of Mormon with all my heart!

I want to invite you all to spend a little time each day reading the Book of Mormon and looking for a difference in your day! I know that you will see the blessings of reading it. Challenges in your life will become easier to carry and you will feel the love of God in your life!

I love you all so much! Thank you for supporting me! I love being a missionary. I know that this church is true, and I feel so blessed to share it with others.

The Church is True, God loves you,

Be happy, Be brave, Be smart,


Sister Miller


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