Call Me "Mama Miller"

 Hello Friends!!

This week was another wild week! 

This week, I worked in a trio with Sister Hammari and Sister Gonzales. I learned a lot! They are both missionaries that I absolutely love! I loved being able to be companions with my MTC companion again. It was a special experience that I will always remember!

It was a bit challenging because we were working in two areas, but it ended up all working out. Sometimes, it was hard to split the time, but God still magnified our efforts. We were able to teach important lessons and find new people despite limited time! 

Working in two areas allowed me to meet a lot of people and teach in a new area. It was one of those everyday miracles. One of the people that I helped teach got baptized this week! I was so excited. I was actually in the lesson where we extended baptism and got to help her prepare. It was a special experience and I absolutely loved it.

This week was also transfer week!

We thought the transfer list would come out on Tuesday night because transfers happen on Thursday. We waited and waited and waited, but the transfer list never came. We then thought it would come out on Wednesday morning. However, by noon, the transfer list still hadn’t been posted. I had felt like something “big” was coming my way, so every passing hour gave me more and more anticipation… Finally, the transfer list was finally posted at 5:00 pm that evening!

Here's the big news: I am training!! I can’t tell you how excited I was when I saw the list that I would be training, but I was also very nervous. It is easy to see all my inadequacies and wonder if I will be able to help a new missionary. I am grateful that I do not have to do it alone as I know the Lord will help me be who He needs me to be.

Because I am training, I had the fun adventure of traveling to Cauayan again this week! I traveled three hours on a bus to the mission home to get trained on how to train and meet my trainee. It was a great adventure! A lot of my mission friends were also called to train, so it was fun to see them all!

Friday night, I got to meet my trainee! Her name is Sister Bacot from Cagayan Del Oro, Philippines. She is amazing and I am so excited to work with her! I just know we are going to have so much fun together while we teach the gospel of Jesus Christ!!

When we finally got to return to our area, the travel took almost all day! But my awesome, new companion was ready to work so we dropped off her stuff and went out to teach. I cannot wait to keep learning from her and have new adventures!

One of my wonderful friends asked me this week what I was looking forward to for General Conference, and it caused me some reflection. I thought I would share my thoughts with all of you too! The thing I am most excited about is to hear our prophet speak to us. I know that he is a prophet of God and is directed to help us each individually.

I also wanted to share with you all a little about President Nelson as my spiritual thought. One of my goals has been to read all of his talks that he has given as a prophet. I was able to finish it this week! I learned a lot, but my biggest takeaway is that President Nelson is teaching us what we need to focus on in the end.

His most recent talk is, of course, “Think Celestial” where he focused on us focusing on the end, but this is a trend that is repeated throughout almost all of his talks. He has taught us how to survive spiritually, he has taught us about preparing now, making choices for eternity, growing, and loving our neighbors.

All his teachings are to help us be ready to return to our loving, Heavenly Father. I testify that President Nelson is the prophet. I know that he speaks the word of God and he speaks to us. I challenge you all to study his talks. I know that we can all grow closer to our Savior as we listen to the prophet’s voice.

I love this church with all my heart! I hope you all had a great week!

The Church is true, God loves you,
Be happy, Be brave, Be smart,

Sister Miller


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